Lab Tests

MedVital Wellness Center
Harold Lawler III, MD
Regenerative Medicine Specialist located in Sarasota, FL & Kissimmee, FL
Understanding your current state of health is the first step in achieving optimal wellness. At MedVital Wellness Center in Kissimmee and Sarasota, Florida, lab tests are an excellent resource for men and women who want to gain deeper insight into their health and areas of potential improvement. If you’d like to learn more about the available lab tests and how to incorporate these tools into your overall health care plan, schedule an appointment today. You can set up a visit online or by phone.
Lab Tests Q & A
What are lab tests used for?
Lab tests are used to gain a deeper understanding of how your body is functioning at any given point in time. There is a multitude of tests available, some of which act as stand-alone assessments and others that are best understood in relation to each other.
At MedVital Wellness Center you have access to a wide range of lab tests. Even better, your care is guided by medical professionals who can assist you in determining which tests are appropriate for your needs. That can save you time, money, and effort.
What are some common lab tests?
Everyone can benefit from knowing more about their heart function, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. These screenings, in combination with blood pressure and other routine health checks, can help you and your doctor understand how well your body’s systems are working and where it needs improvement.
Additional lab test options can measure:
- Vitamin levels
- Mineral levels
- Thyroid function
- Hormone levels and balance
- Drug screening
- Sexually transmitted disease
- Lipid levels
- Risk for certain cancers
- Metabolic function
You can also perform genetic testing and DNA tests to clarify family connections at MedVital Wellness Center.
No one needs the full range of available lab tests, and your specific needs will shift and change as you move through the phases of life.
How do I know where to begin with lab testing?
The team at MedVital Wellness Center offers comprehensive physicals, which is a great place to begin. The results of your physical and information you provide about any symptoms you’ve experienced or your health history can guide your practitioner toward the right lab tests for your needs.
You can also request lab tests on your own, without a doctor’s order. You can choose to review the results alone and decide what actions, if any, are warranted. Or you can choose to meet with a physician to review your results and decide whether changes or additional testing is necessary.
MedVital Wellness Center understands that having the power to guide your own health care is important. That’s why they offer the full range of lab testing and the ability to leverage the results in a way that you choose. To learn more, schedule an appointment today, online or by phone.